Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Saw this Italian dubbed movie called 'I am not an easy man' on Netflix yesterday... An ultra feminist movie.. Am not much for the feminist culture but the movie was a revelation in terms of how much we have been unconsciously cultured as women into behaving and thinking in a certain way all the while thinking it's perfectly normal and biological. The protagonist, a modern day male chauvinist who considers himself gods gift to women and typically has no idea how much he rubs them off wrongly gets transported into a completely matriarchal female dominated world and gets a dose of his own medicine. The obnoxious guy has to deal with an alpha man-eater woman, a female version of himself in this surreal world and he ends up falling for her. This woman has a jar filled with pebbles for every one of her man conquests... And you have the men who have to call it quits at work once the woman has the baby... After all as the genetic pro creators they have done their bit.  The movie made me see the world through the man's eye and for the first time I realized just how annoyingly good the men have it and how unfair the world is for the women... It even made me have second thoughts about the way I was bringing up my girls...I recommend you watch it once...

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